Sunday, October 17, 2010

Christmas Blog Candy

Yeap... a little more blog candy - this time it is seasonal items.... it includes
Joyeux Noel Clear Stamps by Papermania, Whiff of Joy Stamp, DCWV Chipboard Christmas Shapes, 4 Wooden holiday characters! and some red ribbon.
 Close up of the stamps

This blog candy will remain open until Friday 29th October (when my blog will be one year old!) and I will draw the winner on Saturday 30th October.

To be in a with a chance to win - please leave a comment on this post and I would love if you would become a follower of my blog (if you aren't already!).

I'd love if you could share the news on your blog too, if possible.

Thanks so much for stopping by.  Deirdre


Barb said...

Very generous, Deirdre! How fun that your blog is almost a year old! Thanks so much for another chance to win! :)

Alice said...

awww... drooling over those stamps! =) thanks for the chance to win! have a wonderful weekend!

donna mikasa said...

Yummy Christmas candy! No calories, right? Thanks for a chance to win!

martina's kaartjes said...

Hi Deirdre ! what a great opportunity ! thanks for this one ! I would like to propose myself as your candidate winner =)
Lovely stamps ! I can't get enough of them.
Have a nice day,
greetings, martina

gea said...

And again a great candy !! Thank you for the chance !!I'll put it on my sidebar.

Isha Gupta said...

Wow are being really generous. Lovely Candy. It sure seems like Christmas wishes coming Thanks for the chance to win.

Ukka said...

Such a cute giveaway!!I am excited to be entered.

Sanne said...

Wow Deirdre - that candy certainly looks gorgeous - Thanks for the chance to winn.....I will cross my fingers :) :) :)
Hugs Sanne

Message Keeper said...

Happy Blogoversary, Deirdre! May your creative works continue to have a share with us. Thanks for the candy and I posted a link at my blog sidebar.

Evelyn @ Message Keeper

Dotty Jo said...

Lovely candy! I must have been following your blog for most of that year... and loving every minute I might add! Jo x

Emma said...

Great candy Deirdre. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Yvette said...

Happy Blogoversary, Deirdre! So generous of you to gives us a chance to win this great candy!

Anne said...

More fun and yummy blog Candy- looks delightful Deirdre- Happy one year of blogging!

Hugs, Anne

Barbara said...

Happy one year blogday!!!! Thanks for a chance to win!

Njeri said...

I mentioned your candy on my side bar at
congrats on a year of blogging. i already follow you.

Dawn T said...

Boy are you in a generous mood Deirdre... what a great lot of goodies ... thanks for the chance to win. I'll add it to my side bar... and well done on a year of blogging

Small T said...

Great giveaway! I've added it to the side bar of my blog. Thanks for the chance to win!

Deb Walker Deb Stamps Life, LLC said...

Congratulations on your creative anniversary Diedre! Thanks for your inspiration and encouragement!

kiki's page said...

lovely candy deirdre!


Anonymous said...

Oh Wow Deirdre!!
Happy Blogaversary!!
Thank you for the chance to win some yummy yummy YUMMY candy ;o)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance, and again, congrats on the one year anniversary, that is a big milestone, I give you regular bloggers a lot of credit, takes dedication and hard work to keep up with a good blog!! I enjoy so many of them, but alas can not keep one up!!
Do enjoy yours.

Unknown said...

Hi x really lovely and apt candy!!!! thanks for the lovely chance to win it, I have popped it on my blog, I am already a follower and heres the hopeful comment!!!!!! leigh x

Anonymous said...

What a nice bunch of blog candy! Love the Joyeux Noel set. I often make French cards for my family and have had to resort to cutting french greetings off of cheap french dollar store cards. LOL

Anonymous said...

The comment above was from MRS SudsMuffin, not my handsome hubby in the pic. LOL

Manu said...

Hi Deirdre,
thanks for your your lovely candy (I love XMas stamps)
Hugs from Italy

Anonymous said...

Wow...another give kind! Happy blogoversary!!

GrammySue's Creations said...

Hi Deirde, this is a great give away--thanks for being so generous and congratulations on your one year blog anniversary.

Lavendou said...

Hi Deirde, Happy blogoversary! Hope I'll win.

Lavendou (Quebec, Quebec, Canada)

Di's Dooodles said...

Happy blogoversary Deirdre and what fantastic blog candy!!!
Thank you for letting me have the chance of winning it too - I have left a link on my blog for you

Christy Franklin said...

I am a new follower and just added your giveaway to my sidebar!

Jessica said...

i have found your blog and now i will be a follower. yours is avery lovely blog


Karen said...

Hi there

Have tried to become a follower but it has an error msg on it, will come back again and join asap! Lovely inspiration to be gained from your site. Thanks for sharing!

Larisa said...

Very generous, Deirdre! Very nice candy!!! I linked it on sidebar
I am a follower for a while now. Thanks for the chance to win!
Hugs. Larisa.

Kim Johnson said...

Great prize! Thanks for the chance to win!

Aluap said...

Happy blogoversary!! I am an old RSS follower :) and I post your candy on my blog

Jessie said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win! It would be great to have some holiday stamps!

Nikki said...

Beautiful Stamps thanks for the chance and a happy Blogoversary :)
hugs Nikki C

Ori said...

Happy Blogoversary :)

I join your candy and your blog.

Thanks for making the chance, I love the Christmassy :)

Scrappy Jackie said...

I just became a follower. You have some great projects, ideas, cards and inspiration. I am only beginning in this blogging world. I am so unsure of what to do next. Someday I am going to figure this out. Thank you for making me want to continue with my own!

Larisa Makeeva said...
Рада знакомству!

Ганима said...

What a lovely candy!
Thanks for a chance at the blog candy.
Have a great day,

Veronica Z said...

Love the stamp set in the generous blog candy you are offering! I have posted a pic/link on my blog, and I am already a follower. Thanks!!

TiaKeas said...

It is so kind of you to show us what & how to do cards. I need the help with ideas. Thank-you!

Scrappy Jackie said...

Wow! You are so kind. I really do appreciate the chance at winning something fun to play with. Thank you for your blog too. I am trying so hard how to figure out how to do my own. Someday... If I ever figure it out I will be so happy! Thank you!

dianatorres79 said...

wow!!!!!!great blog candy...congrats on your 1 year!!!

{VICKI} said...

I became a follower-

Thanks for sharing!

AGohl said...

Congratulations on your blog birthday! thanks for the chance to win such great blog candy!

Ελένη said...

Congratulations on your first year!
Thanks for the chance to win this Christmas candy!

Jenn Zeeb said...

Great Blog Candy!!I am also becoming a follower. Thanks for the chance to win! I will also put this on my blog

Ger said...

Gorgeous candy!

Ger x.

Debbi said...

Congrats on your Blogaversary! Thanks for the chance to win such great candy.

Jayne said...

Congrats!!! I have linked this to my blog!

*Alison* said...

WOW!! What amazing candy!! Thanks so much for the chance to win.. Crossing my fingers, toes and EYES :) hehe.. I posted it on my blog too.. HUGS

Yvonne Russell said...

What a fab way to get into Christmas cardmaking. You are so generous.

I am already a follower and have added your candy to my sidebar at and linked back.

Thanks so much.

Sandra said...

Wow!!! Very nice blog candy!! Congrats for your blog anniversary!! Mine is two months old, only!

Your candy is in my sidebar


Leanne said...

Thanks for the chance to win this X'mas candy. I have a long way to go to be a yr old in blogland.I've linked your post & become a follower too.

Cristina said...

Hi Deirdre! Congrats for your blog anniversary! And thanks for the chance to win! I love that stamps! Beautiful blog!I'm now a follower!


lvtaz2000 said...

What a wonderful opportunity you are giving us to win such a cute seasonal present. Thank you. Congratulations on your anniversary.

Jane said...

You're too SWEET!

Helen Philippousis said...

Happy anniversary...

Crafty_Judy said...

Happy Anniversary! Thanks so much for the chance to win. It's so kind of you!

Vera Yates (Ling) said...

Congrats onyour blogaverssary, Deirdre! Thank you for all the inspirations!

Regina said...

Congratulations on your first anniversary in blogland!
Checked out your blog and your creations are amazing!
That's an awesome collection of goodies you're giving away. I have my fingers crossed.
Thanks for the chance to join.

pippirose said...

Happy Blogiversary!
I'm a new follower.
Thanks for the chance to enter (hope I'm not too late).

pippirose59 at gmail dot com

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